免許 Certification
EWF Kyusha Certificates
IWF Kyusha CertificatesBlank International Wado Federation Kyu Grade Certificate patterns (PDF/Jpeg) are issued free to all members. Paper or Card Certificates are charged per quantities of 50. Paper or Card Certificates are charged per quantities of 50 (50p each for quality paper or 70p each for card).
IWF Yudansha CertificateGrade Registration.
For those who wish to have their Black-belt grades registered within the International Wado Federation, this can also be achieved. IWF Yudansha CertificatesThese certificates are available to associations that run their own Black-Belt gradings, for issue by the relevant member Chief Instructor/Examination Board.
Priced at £5 each (minimum order 10), which includes Postage & Packing anywhere in the world. A certificate template can also be sent to the Association Chief Instructor and/or Committee by email, for self-printing, in PDF and/or Jpeg form, FREE OF CHARGE. |
Affiliation CertificateAffiliation Membership.
An Affiliation Certificate will be sent (in PDF format) to member groups, as a welcome to joining the British and International Wado Federations. |
Black Belt Registration
Only grades issued by the International Wado Federation Member Associations/Groups will be registered within the International Wado Federation. We do not register ‘all-styles’ or ‘sport-karate’ ranks within the IWF.
Registration does not imply ‘authentication’ or ‘recognition’ of grades within the IWF.
The IWF is not a Technical Grading Authority. The International Wado Federation DO NOT have facilities for technical grade assessments.
IWF Registrations are accepted from IWF Autonomous Member Group Application and would be recognised within those member-groups only.
IWF Registration Certificates are dated from the original certificate supplied by their own organisation origination, or promoting authority, and is NOT PROOF of original authenticity.
Members of the British Wado Federation will also receive a British Wado Federation Certificate automatically.
After completion, please send electronically by email: Email Address or by post to the; Registration Office. 57 South Hill, Hooe, Devon. PL9 9PT. GB.
Postal applications: Please enclose £15 (Sterling) for each applicant requiring a signed printed certificate from the President. Please make payable to: ‘British Wadokai’.
Please see ‘Black-belt Registration Application’ for further details and clarification.
DISCLAIMER: The British & International Wado Federation cannot accept responsibility, for standards of those registered, if grades were issued/awarded by their own or an outside association.