Optional Insurance and Licensing Facilities from the British Wado Federation.

Important: It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT, in the UK, that all participants of any martial-art have adequate insurance cover. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their licence is up-to-date and valid. Licences must be in the possession of the holder at all times within a Dojo environment for inspection purposes.  

Open Events: Martial-arts insurances rarely cross from one governing body to another. Ensure you have adequate insurance cover if you wish to participate in events ‘outside’ of your regular affiliation, as you may have to take out special additional cover. Alternatively, check to see if the event you are considering to participate in covers you; as they may have arranged a special insurance cover implemented for the event

Affiliation Application Forms

Affiliation Application

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File Type: pdf

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File Size: 40 kb
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Affiliation/Insurance Renewal Application

File Size: 38 kb
File Type: pdf

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British Wado Federation Insurance Chits

If you are using British Wado Federation’s insurance facilities, please contact us for your ‘optional’  BWF Insurance/Membership Licence Chits.
BWF Administration: British Wado Federation Licence Office. 


Optional International Wado Federation Licence Books (left) can be obtained from the the British Wado Federation Licence Office @£5.75 each (minimum order quantity 20).

Bespoke Karate Licence Books. Licences, to your own design, can be obtained from 64Print

You may also like to obtain your insurances independently…

Licencing facilities for Clubs & Groups who do not wish to run their own licencing facilities, but who wish to use the Licencing Facilities of the British Wado Federation. 
NB: Insurance cover DOES NOT extend to International Membership. All non-UK participants must be insured through their National Representative or through a personal or private insurance facility within their own country.

British Wado Federation is insured through…